Saturday, December 18, 2010

No show... :(

Last night there were not enough tickets sold for the one woman show, so it was cancelled. Though I was sad not to be able to perform, it is a bit of a releif too. The show is really draining, since there's no one in it but was nice to have a rest, but I'm hoping that we have one tonight!

In other news:

A couple of security guards came up to me at the Venetian and told me they'd watched my magic online. I was kind of suprised, since in order to find it, you need to know my first and last name...and at the Venetian, none of us go by our real names (we all have to be "Italian"), and Joan does not sound like I'm from Venice.

After thinking about it for awhile, though, I realized that they might be facebook friends with one of the performers and there's always pictures popping up of "people you might know"... So as of yet, I don't think I have anyone stalking

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