Monday, February 13, 2012

Yay for Edging!

So I finally found an edging I like for the new top.  It won't be done to list it today, but it will be soon. For you knitters out there, it's a purled attached icord.

I still have a lot to do today.  I will be listing a new pair of socks on etsy that will have to be photographed, plus I'm listing a few items on ebay that also have to be photographed.  I hate setting up all the camera stuff, so I try to wait until I have a bunch of things waiting to be listed so I can do it all at once.

... ok, now I hear my cat trying to get into the cupboard, this can't be good, I'd better go and check.  ...until next time.


  1. You are very creative, can't wait to see the final result.
    Michelle Blackwood

  2. Yay for being un-stuck! Glad you found an edging you like, and I can't wait to see a photo. =)
    from Blogging Buddies

  3. That's wonderful that you found an edging that gets you inspired. I love the dog knitter! Hilarious!

  4. I agree totally about the photo process and how long it takes--I've got like half a month backed up of done things that just need to be photographed--and at this rate It'll be another month before I put them up there ;)


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