Yesterday, I had a magic gig performing for a VIP children's party in one of the high roller suites at the Bellagio. The room was gorgeous! It had it's own swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room, gym, salon, massage room as well as the normal room ammenities.
The people were all from Singapore and very nice. I did some strolling magic for the kids, played some wii with them (yes there was a wii in the room and yes, they asked me to play...what a gig!). Then I went and set up for the show.
It's always difficult to perform in these situations, because in a place like that, there are so many distractions, but the kids were suprisingly focused and sat and clapped for the magic along with their parents.
I don't usually do kids parties. It's not that I don't like to do them (they're actually more fun than the adult parties that I usually do), I just don't get to do too many of them.
Now, today I have the money to do some grocery shopping (and last minute Christmas Shopping for the boyfriend)...well, after I finish some new headbands that I designed.
Wow, I can't even imagine attending a kids' party in a suite like that! My most exciting birthday as a child was bumper bowling. ;D