Monday, July 27, 2009

A Fun Book...

I just finished reading A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer. I must say that I really enjoyed it. I love it when a book is really put together, and this one is just that. You can tell that the book was planned as a whole with every intricate piece fitting together. I most liked the court room scenes, which if not written well, could easily be dull, but this one is definitely a page turner.

If you like courtroom dramas, and books about plotting revenge, then this one might be a great beach read for you.

Do you find it hard to read because your hair keeps falling in your eyes? AllThingsTangled has scrunchies and headbands to solve that problem.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, succinct review. I have a bunch of unread books in "queue" but I'll add this one on there! Thanks!


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