Saturday, February 26, 2011

Updates on Dogs and Things

Dog update:

The doggies are adjusting well to each other. They've even started to play, which amazes me since Bess has never really been the playing type, but I guess Gibbs brings it out in her.

Gibbs is still sneezing and coughing a bit, even with the antibiotics he's on. If it is still bad by the time we finish them, then I'm taking him to my regular vet to see if the other vet missed anything. My vet wasn't listed on the free-medical-for-15-days list.

On a happy note, his incision has healed from his neutering.

Show update:

One of the performers at the Venetian will be going out of town soon, so for the month of March, I'll be there an awful lot. Good for my pocket book, bad for my feet. 4 out of 5 podiatrists do not recommend cobblestone as an optimal walking environment. (ok I just made up that statistic, but it sounded good to me).

The one woman show is still going, although audience numbers have dropped significantly. Many of the brokers won't carry it because of the title. The producer is now weighing the cost he's spent with promoting it to the cost of changing the title. Though I like going in every week and getting paid for performing, it really is no fun to perform for 4 people... especially when there's a lot of audience interaction.

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