I'm a professional magician, who loves to create things with yarn. I'm also a reader who loves books of all kinds...This blog is about my adventures in reading and crocheting and about my new forray into selling my items... www.AllThingsTangled.etsy.com
Current Sale!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year's Eve!
Yes, it's the last day of 2008...is it just me or did this go by really fast? So many things have happened to me this year.
I got dumped New Year's Eve 2007, but now I have someone new, and in retrospect, it was the best thing that could have happened to me.
I've read so many incredible books (68 this year). My goal was 100, but it didn't happen...there's always next year.
I got cast in a show on the strip where I get to do my act (magic act, for those who aren't regular readers), and I'm loving every minute of it.
And of course, I opened my etsy shop in 2008 as well. I haven't had a lot of sales yet, but with networking and advertising, I feel as if I am really building a solid base, and soon the sales will reflect that.
One last thing...I found out last night that my scarf was featured in a treasury. Please take a look and show my scarf some love
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm sore today :(
Well, it's all my fault really...I had the "brilliant" idea to go running yesterday even though I'm totally out of shape. I knew Bess needed some excercise, and I figured I needed some too. It was probably good for me, and I'm planning on doing it again, but right now....ooooooooow!
Then, I made the big mistake of asking my boyfriend if he needed any help moving his stuff...Part of me thinks that I should have just waited for him to ask me knowing that he wouldn't...I hate moving, whether it's myself or someone else...and yet I'm really excited that he's moving in. Luckily, his last show today ends way before mine, so hopefully there won't be much to help with.
In other news, there is only two more days left in the Holiday Section Sale. When I made these items, I made sure to use the colors of the season, but didn't make it overtly Christmas or anything, that way, they could be (theoretically) worn all year round...or at least during the cold part.
Lastly, I made another treasury!!! Please click on it and show it some love!
Everyone please try to enjoy the last couple days of 2008...I know it's been a hard year, but I think we all have a lot to look forward to!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Well, before we get to Einstein (you'll see him in the video below), I just finished a new pair of Fingerless Gloves. I was going to photograph them this morning, but one look at my nails told me that I might want to make those look pretty first. I haven't had a lot of close-up magic gigs lately, so I've been kind of lax on my manicure schedule.
In other news, my boyfriend (the clown) has started to move his stuff in...yay! He has more tools than I have yarn and I've given him free reign to do what he wants with the garage. I know that's daring, but he has really good taste so I know it will look good. He also builds the most wonderful things, and I keep telling him to open up a shop on etsy...I don't think he's going to though...oh well, more cool stuff for me!
And now for a funny video I found online featuring Einstein the Parrot!
In other news, my boyfriend (the clown) has started to move his stuff in...yay! He has more tools than I have yarn and I've given him free reign to do what he wants with the garage. I know that's daring, but he has really good taste so I know it will look good. He also builds the most wonderful things, and I keep telling him to open up a shop on etsy...I don't think he's going to though...oh well, more cool stuff for me!
And now for a funny video I found online featuring Einstein the Parrot!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Shrug your Shoulders
Well, the shrug I'd been working on is done and listed. Actually I finished it a couple of days ago, but with all the specials and favorites going on, I thought I'd wait until today to post about it.
It's my first attempt at a shrug and I'm really pleased with the results. It was fun to make, and a lot quicker than making a sweater (though I still really enjoy making sweaters)...
I have something new in the works now, I might even have it ready to show you guys tomorrow...*fingers crossed*
In other news, the shows have been having great audiences, which I really have to enjoy now because Vegas turns into a ghost town after Jan 2nd. The only thing good about that is the time I save when I would normally be waiting in traffic.
Now I'm off to do boring stuff like laundry and cleaning...I always put it off way too long and then I'm overwhelmed.
Need to procrastinate for a while? Browse here instead of doing your chores
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday Favorites on Saturday
Well here are the Friday Favorites for this week...these are different than my treasury which I hope you also check out.
This week, I decided to go with some of my blog followers. I'm constantly amazed at all of the handmade things out there. I can knit and crochet, but I can't draw and make jewelry as well as these folks can...
I'm also thinking about adding project wonderful to my blog very soon...so please check back if you might like to advertise your store on my site.
Do you like my favorites? Maybe you can find some of your favorites over here!
This week, I decided to go with some of my blog followers. I'm constantly amazed at all of the handmade things out there. I can knit and crochet, but I can't draw and make jewelry as well as these folks can...
I'm also thinking about adding project wonderful to my blog very soon...so please check back if you might like to advertise your store on my site.
Do you like my favorites? Maybe you can find some of your favorites over here!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Saturday Sale on Friday!
Yes, I know today is usually the day where I highlight some of my favorite items on etsy, but because of the holidays, I'm going to switch it up a bit. Instead, the sale will be today (thru December 31) and I'll have my favorites posted tomorrow.
And now for the sale! Everything in my Holiday Section has been discounted. Some items by $2, some by $10!!! I have already lowered the prices, so you don't have to worry about special codes or convos...but act now, because in 2009, the prices will return to normal.
I also managed to make my first treasury! (So I guess this could kind of be Friday's Favorites after all) Click here to check it out I tried to cooridinate little outfits within the rows.
Don't forget to check back here for the "Friday Favorites on Saturday" post!
Did you not get everything you wanted for Christmas? Maybe you'll find it here!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! I don't know about you guys, but so far, this is the best Christmas ever!
First of all, it's the first Christmas that my boyfriend and I have spent together. He bought (and made) me some wonderful things! First of all, he noticed that I needed some book ends since my ex had taken his back. Then he made me these cool wire things to hold my books open while I knit. I had bought one a long time ago, but was always freaked out that I might lose it...the ones he made were better than the original! At some point, when it's not so early in the morning I'll take a picture of it for you guys.
Then, he also made me a stand with backdrops to help me photograph my etsy projects. It's soooo cool! My kitchen now looks like a professional photography studio. My boyfriend is so talented and I looooove the fact that most of my presents were not store bought, but made by him....I was crying and crying (these were tears of happiness)...I really got a great guy!
Today, I'm making him eggs benedict and mimosas when he wakes up!
Hurry up, click here so I don't have to retake any pictures, I can just make new ones...lol
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Good Morning
Happy Christmas Eve everyone...
I'm running behind today, since my ex took back his airport, so I'm on the slow desktop computer right now...Tomorrow should be back to your regularly scheduled program...*fingers crossed*
And no, I didn't finish my shrug yesterday, but I think that today is going to be the day...
Enjoy the holidays!
I'm running behind today, since my ex took back his airport, so I'm on the slow desktop computer right now...Tomorrow should be back to your regularly scheduled program...*fingers crossed*
And no, I didn't finish my shrug yesterday, but I think that today is going to be the day...
Enjoy the holidays!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Back to work...
Yes, I know today is Tuesday, but for me it's Monday...The start of my week. I'm performing at the Venetian today, and while I'm there, I'll hopefully finish my shrug. All I have left to do on it is the ribbed border. So far I'm really digging the way it looks and I hope other's do too. If the response is good, I might make another one in different colors.
In other news, one of my scarves is coming off the list. My friend has admired it for so long and with Christmas fast approaching, I don't think it will sell before the holidays. I hope she likes it!
That's about it for now. I've almost finished "Triple" by Ken Follet, and will probably be moving on to something new tomorrow...I'll let you guys know what I think.
Hurry! Save a scarf before another one goes away!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Lazy day...
Yesterday my show was canceled. The economy is really starting to hit the entertainment industry here. On the upside, I was able to go out to coffee with a bunch of my friends, including The Amazing Johnathan and my friend Penny who plays Psychic Tonya in his show. We all usually get together on Sundays, but usually I can't go because of my show.
In other news, the shrug is coming along nicely. I have one sleeve almost done, then all I have left to do is the other sleeve and the border. I probably won't get too much done today...we're supposed to go sailing today. It's cold, but we're really excited about the wind.
If you haven't checked out the treasury in the previous post, please do...I want to get as many clicks as possible.
Can't go to the mall because of the snow? Go here instead!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
MostFavoriteAunt put me in a treasury yesterday! Yay!!! I'm so excited...I've only been in one treasury before, so I am totally full of the warm fuzzies.
I would really like this treasury to be hot, and in order for that to happen, it needs lots of unique views, comments, and clicks on the items. It will only take a moment of your time, but I'd really appreciate it...besides, you might find something on there that you can't live without!
Click here and show the treasury some Christmas love
In other news, I started on a shrug last night...I've never made one before, but I've made tons of sweaters, so fingers crossed that it turns out all right.
How can you keep warm with all these blizzards going on?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday is special!
This Saturday Special is: buy anything in my shop and receive a FREE set of Chrismas Coasters. Just in time for the holidays!
In other news, I just finished photographing and listing a new scarf! It's made from 100% Merino Wool and is very stylish and cozy (in my opinion). I hope you guys like it!
Last night the boyfriend and I went to hear the Pete Contino Band down at the Orleans hotel. They have a new CD out and one of the songs my Boyfriend wrote the lyrics to...his name is on the back cover and everything! They have a really fun bluesy (is that how you spell it?) sound.
Today the plan is to be as lazy as posible...unless I have to make a trip to the post office (hint hint)...Yes, in Las Vegas there is a post office open on the weekends...one of the benfits to living in a 24 hour town.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Friday's Favorites
A tip of the hat to today's favorites...in the cold weather, we lose more heat from our head than from any other part of our body, so I figured, lets celebrate some hats!
Stay warm with these beauties...some from my Etsyknitters Team!
There's more hats over here...I don't want you guys catching a cold out there
Stay warm with these beauties...some from my Etsyknitters Team!
There's more hats over here...I don't want you guys catching a cold out there
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter Wonderland
Yes, here in Las Vegas...in the middle of the Mojave Desert! How cool! (no pun intended)
I was performing at the Venetian all day yesterday, and in between shows we would go outside and gaze at the snow falling on the strip. It wasn't really sticking though, so I wasn't expecting to see much snow when I got home, but there it was...on the ground and white all around me! I was so scared...I'd never driven in snow before...I'm originally from Hawaii and every place I've lived that did have snow, I didn't have a car so it was never an issue.
In other news, I have about 3 or 4 more rows to do on my boyfriend's Christmas Beanie...should be done by today. I can't work on it while he's at home, of course...last night I started on some knit socks, but I don't know yet whether I'm going to sell them or keep them yet.
Also, keep your eyes out, I'm listing a new scarf at some point today.
If it keeps snowing like this, I'll need to get a sled and some dogs...click here to donate to the Ididar-vegas fund.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
They're Hot!!!
...pink that is.
Yes, I photographed and posted my Hot Pink and Black House Socks. I think these are my best one's yet...and I'm also realizing, that the one's I made for myself a couple years ago are wearing thin, and I might have to break down and make myself another pair.
The Scarf is also finished, but hasn't been listed yet...you'll probably see it up there either late tonight or tomorrow.
Right now I'm making a beanie for the boyfriend...and then...I'm not actually sure what's going to be next on the list.
In other news, I found my book that I left at the Venetian. The title was Triple by Ken Follet. I'm really getting into it now. Someone suggested yesterday that it might be called "Pillars of the Earth" (you see I could only remember the author of the book I lost)...I have actually read this book and it's quite a page turner, and very different from most of his other novels.
Fight the flu! Stay warm! Click here to find out how!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Lazy, Lazy
Well, the snow was a disappointment yesterday...it only snowed on the west side of Las Vegas, and not only do I live on the east side, but my boyfriend and I went waaaaay east to install some things on the boat. So I missed it...maybe I'll see some again in another 5 years...Yes, I know I could move to a snowy place and see snow all the time, but it's much more exciting when it comes as a suprise.
In other news, I'm performing at the Venetian today, which gives me a chance to pick up the socks that I finished then left over there. Hopefully I'll get them listed soon. I also have a wool scarf that's coming along nicely that I should finish sometime today...it's made from Marino wool and knit in an entrelac style with wonderful shades of green...If I finish that, I'm going to start (and hopefully finish) the beanie that will be one of my boyfriends Christmas Presents...
...he doesn't read my blog, so it will be a suprise for him, as long as no one blabs.
I also left my book at the Venetian...I just started it, but so far it's pretty good. I've forgotten the title, but it's by Ken Follet...And my book club has picked it's next book, however I'm still waiting on the library to get it...yes, we do have libraries in Las Vegas...it just happens to be next door to a casino.
Oh no! Christmas is almost here! And where's your doily!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow day!
It's supposed to snow today...yes really! Here in the desert! I'm so excited, so this is probably the only blogging you'll get out of me today!
Once it starts, I'll be making my first snowman!
Every snowman needs a scarf, does your's have one?
Once it starts, I'll be making my first snowman!
Every snowman needs a scarf, does your's have one?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
New stuff!
I actually listed this right around the time that I listed the new socks but haven't gotten around to posting it yet...it's a Hot Pink Doggie Sweater. I was in a chat room and everyone said that hot pink would be a great color for a glamorous girlie dog like Bess. But then again, she looks cute in everything...I'm a doggie mom though, so I'm a bit biased.
In other news, I have a show today at Krave and I need to stop by the Venetian to pick up the Crocheting that I left there...I can't believe I did that again...well, actually, I can believe it...I'm constantly forgetting things like that.
While I was at work I finished another pair of socks (same colors as the doggie sweater), all I need to do now is pick them up and photograph them...although I'm slightly tempted to keep them for myself.
Click here to see what hasn't been left in the Venetian Dressing Room
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday is Special!
Yes, it's Saturday again...time for a sale!
Today's sale is for my Orange and Black Entrelac Scarf. I have been listing it at $35 but for today only, I've changed the listing to $25. And of course, if you are in the US or Canada there is free shipping. All you have to do to get this savings is click and buy...you don't have to wait for a rebate and you don't need a special code!
In other news, I finished reading "Gideon's Trumpet" by Anthony Lewis which talks about how one poor prisoner took his case to the Supreme Court and changed the law of the US. It's really interesting to see how the Supreme Court works (which is different than other courts), and how one man really can change things (even if he is a little nuts).
Also, the boyfriend and I had a little scare...yesterday, the clowns were called into a special meeting. Now during this recesion in Las Vegas, that usually means bye bye job...well, it wasn't like that...just a change in the system...and he came away with an extra shift and no one was fired. Yay!!!
Do your part to stop the recesion from spreading...click here!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Favorites!
For this weeks Friday Favorites, I went to the followers of my blog, and those that I could find shops for, I went in, had a look around, and found some really amazing things! I hope you enjoy them too!
There were so many to choose from, and I'm constantly amazed at how talented everyone is at etsy!
Maybe you'll find some of your favorites if you click over here.
There were so many to choose from, and I'm constantly amazed at how talented everyone is at etsy!
Maybe you'll find some of your favorites if you click over here.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Socks are Done!
I got them photographed and uploaded onto etsy!...finally! They are black with burgundy heels and toes and a cute zig zag pattern on the cuff. I'm actually almost finished with another pair...I should actually finish them today, but probably won't get them uploaded until Saturday.
I've also finished another doggie sweater...I'm hoping to photograph Bess in it today as well, but we shall see if time actually allows for it.
Thanks everyone for your imput on what to make next...and I'm always open to suggestions!
In other news, yesterday was a great day. We had really enthusiastic audiences that really seemed to enjoy the shows. As a performer, this is more important to me than money, and lately the audiences have been so dead looking I've wanted to pass out toe tags. Finally the Christmas spirit has come to the Venetian...Let's hope the same can be said for my other show at Krave today.
It's better to give than to receive...here are some great ideas to help you do just that!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ack! It's building up!!!
New items, that is...I've finished the socks, I'm almost finished with a new doggie sweater, and I have no time to photograph them...when I get home it's dark and the lighting won't be good.
My first show tomorrow isn't until 3, so I should have time by then...right? It is so amazing to me that even when there is a bunch of time how it just slips right through your fingers.
Keep your fingers crossed that by tomorrow I'll have some new stuff to show you.
I'm never too busy to go to the post office though...there's one always open in Vegas
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Like a chicken...
With her head cut off...
Yup that was me, yesterday. I finished the socks, but then the boyfriend wanted me to go and do some errands with him, then my tenant's toilet broke, so we had to go over there to fix it, then I got roped into making stuff for the boat (pun intended), so I never got to photograph them. I was hoping to put them up today, but I don't think that's going to happen before I have to go to work.
In other news, I picked up a gig for Thursday...yay! The College of Southern Nevada is having an end-of-the-year party and I'm going to be part of the entertainment. I have know idea whether I'm performing for professors or students or both...it doesn't change too much of what I do, but it would be nice to know.
Right now I'm having a love/hate relationship with winter. Usually I love the weather, love the cold (yes it gets cold here, just not Canada cold)...but now that I'm on etsy, the daylight is gone when I get home and it cuts down on my picture time...sigh.
Oh, and today's picture is of me...since I haven't taken any new one's of my stuff, I was running out of pictures to show.
Are you having a bad relationship with winter right now? Click here to help ease your pain.
Monday, December 8, 2008
A new week begins
Almost finished with the new socks...If all goes well they should be done by today. I hope I can get them photographed while it's still light outside because my workweek begins tomorrow and it's hard to make the time while I'm working.
In other news, they changed the show again! Of course, my act stays the same, that's mine to do and change as I wish, but the rest of the show has changed. On Saturday, throughout the whole show, I was being told, "oops, we forgot to tell you, your doing this now." Thankfully I was there early, because before, I wasn't even in the show until near the end, so I would show up late and get ready late...now I'm onstage at the top of the show...If I hadn't been early, I wouldn't have made it.
Keep in mind, I think all these changes are for the better, and it makes the show flow alot better. If you're ever in Vegas, please come and check it out. It's called, "Find Your Sexy".
My other goals for today are laundry and cleaning the kitchen. Of course I'm going to procrastinate just as long as I can before starting on these never-ending chores.
Help me procrastinate! I'd rather make a trip to the post office than clean
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I am Traumatized (and can't spell)
So I'm working on a new magic trick...well, not new exactly, but new to me. I needed to get a duck egg and needed to blow it (insert sexual joke here). Sounds simple, right? Well, not so much.
There's a Filipino Store near my house that sells duck eggs...Score!...I went in and bought some. They come in packs of 18 and they were quite expensive, but such is the price of the art we call magic.
I was so excited to get started. Got set up in the living room with all the acoutrements (did I mention I can't spell?). The boyfriend was busy with rope for his boat...so there we were...I began the process.
It started off normal at first...well, normal for anyone who's blown a chicken egg before (insert another sexual joke here). Then, red stuff started coming out...and then more stuff...gross stuff...I thought, oops! Maybe one of these got fertilized by mistake.
So I tried another, with the same result...and I swear part of a beak came out of that hole. The boyfriend said to crack it open and see...silly me...I did...He screemed like a little girl, I glanced and joined in with my own screams. I looked away and couldn't speak...yes, there was baby unborn duck inside.
He kindly got rid of the bowl and got me a glass of wine...a couple of glasses later, I was able to deal with the situation...I called the store, and apparently it's a Filipino delicacy to eat duck eggs like that.
Now I don't have a problem with people eating that...but I would have prefered a little warning.
One of the other performers at the Venetian is from the Filipines and is kindly going to take the eggs off my hands today.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday is Special
The Saturday Special has returned. Since my life has been quite a roller coaster as of late, I decided to reduce the price of my coasters! (not a bad segue huh?). Today only, you can get them for $9.99 instead of the usual $12...That's more than 20% off! Price is already reduced, so you don't have to worry about refunds.
Christmas Flower Coasters
Winter Flower Coasters
In sock news, I finished the cuffs and then promptly left them at the Venetian...Duh!...So I couldn't work on them last night. I have to make a quick stop there today, so I'll be able to pick them up. I felt naked last night trying to watch a movie without a project in my hands...I couldn't do it, I started something new, but I'm not sure if I like it yet or not.
The movie? The new Lost Boys movie...Even if you liked the first one, I think you're time would be better spent watching something else...I know mine would have...but it's the boyfriend's netflix, so I didn't get to pick...He also wishes he hadn't picked that one.
Click here to see what's much more fun than the new Lost Boys Movie
Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Favorites
Friday favorites is back! It is Friday today right?...I get so busy, it's hard to keep track some days.
I decided to show some sweaters from my Etsyknitters Team. I love looking at sweaters because there aren't too many people that make them (in comparison to most other items)...I think it's because it takes so long to do. I, myself, only have two listed so far.
Here you go?
Is it too early to freak out about Christmas yet? Please freak out and then click here to ease your pain
I decided to show some sweaters from my Etsyknitters Team. I love looking at sweaters because there aren't too many people that make them (in comparison to most other items)...I think it's because it takes so long to do. I, myself, only have two listed so far.
Here you go?
Is it too early to freak out about Christmas yet? Please freak out and then click here to ease your pain
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New Stuff!!!
So, my Brown Leaf Beanie is finished, photo'd and uploaded. I really like how it came out, though at some point I want to make another one in a lighter color so that the pattern really shines through.
I also finished some Christmas Flower Coasters. I really wanted to make these with the Christmas Crochet thread because I love how the colors pool around the doily.
I've already started on the socks...The cuff is going to be a different style than the Chrismas ones, but so far I love how they're coming out.
Now I'm off to help the boyfriend move the boat into his new slip. (It's not as sexy as it sounds) And then I have a special event at Lladro (a store at the Venetian) for their customer appreciation day. Customers get wine, snacks and entertainment while they browse...and yes, I'm the entertainment...I could be the wine...I'm very good at whining...lol.
Friday Favorites is back tomorrow...I think I've found some cool things :)
I can't think of anything clever this morning, but click here anyway
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ask and Ye Shall Receive
I got one response to what I should make next, and that was more socks...I love to make them, so that is what I will do.
I finished my beanie yesterday, but I probably won't have anytime to photograph until tomorrow...by the time I get home, daylight will be done, and I've found (and been told numerous times) that daylight gets the best pictures...The only part of my shop that I don't like to do is take pictures, but I guess it can't all be a bed of roses.
In other news, I've been busy collecting some supplies for a new trick I'm working on. I'm hoping to perform it at the Venetian by January (if sooner, all the better). Basically the trick is that I get a rose petal off of a rose and slowly turn it into an egg which will be cracked into a glass to proove that it's real. Once I get all the things I need, there will be a bit of rehearsal (another neccessary evil) befor I can perform it...I have a love/hate relationship with adding new pieces, they're a pain, but once I've done it, they really do breathe new life into the show.
Is it cold where you are? Click here to warm up!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here we go again...
Well, my long weekend is over, and now it's back to work. I'm performing 6 shows at the Venetian today...as tiring as it is, I probably get most of my knitting done while I'm there.
My other show is coming back from Thanksgiving break tomorrow, but I won't be in it until Thursday. I really miss it and I can't wait to go back. They've also had me add a new piece to the end of my act...it's one of my favorites, so it will be great to do it again...it's been so long.
I'm working on a new beanie (well, actually, all I have left to do is a little ribbing at the bottom) and then I need to find a new project. I have a few things on my list, but nothing is hitting the spot right now...I need to get jazzed about something.
What would you like to see more of (knit or crochet-wise) on etsy? Don't worry, if you suggest something you are under no obligation to by it and I won't pester you to do so, but I figure if you want to see something, then there must be others out there who would like to see it too. So please drop a comment...it can be wild and crazy, or strictly normal...I'm open to suggestions.
Take a look and tell me what's missing
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Divine Miss M!
First things first, this is the last day of the Cyber Sale so act now before it's too late:
And now, onto the good stuff.
Last night after we came back from sailing, I got to go to the Bette Midler Show: The Showgirl Must Go On. It was so wonderful! First of all, I'm a huge Bette fan so I went in with predisposed wonderfulness thoughts...but then the show itself was awesome!
Sets flying in from everywhere, things popping up from the stage, and dancers galore!...oh, and the best part...it was free! The company that I work for at the Venetian also provides entertainment at Caesars, so they gave us tickets!
The boyfriend was supposed to go, but wasn't feeling well after sailing, luckily, my friend (another lady magician) was more than happy to take his place.
Do you think Bette would shop here?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Sunday
Apparently, my dog, Bess, seemed to have gotten ahold of my computer last night and made a post about my new Doggie Sweater. Who knew a dog could do that??? She doesn't even have opposable thumbs! (Go to the previous post to see what she wrote)
In other news, the cyber sale continues until Monday:
I'm off to go sailing in a minute. If you're bored though, I found this stupid (yet addictive) Fly Swatting Game, I tried it 3 or 4 times and I still suck.
And as always, here's the gratuitous link to my shop
Saturday, November 29, 2008
This Blog has been Hijacked!!!
Hello everyone! My name is Bess Houdini Dukore and I'm the dog of the usual writer of this blog. I stole mommy's laptop so I could post all about my new modeling career!
I don't really like to pose for things, but a little pupperoni does the trick. Mom just fed me lots of it while I posed in her new Funky Doggie Sweater. I think it's very becoming if I do say so myself.
I think some little doggie will be very happy wearing it and I really hope it sells because the more sales mommy gets, the more pupperoni I get. I need lots of pupperoni to survive, otherwise I have to go treasure hunting in the garbage...and I'm pretty sure mom doesn't like that too much.
Well, thanks for reading, now back to your regularly scheduled blog.
If you click here, mom might give me some treats...or better yet, human food. mmmm
Life and Books and Sales, Oh My!
Well, I didn't get any sales on Black Friday, but I did get a few hearts...a couple of them were strictly buyers who didn't have shops, so I think that's promising. The sale continues:
In other news, I just finished reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It was a fascinating book about life on the road after the supposed end of the world. I don't think it's a book I'd recomend to everyone. The writing was flawless, but it was so depressing and gave me feelings of hopelessness...I'm still not sure whether I liked it or not...I'm still turning the story and the characters over and over in my head...but I guess that's what a well written book is supposed to do.
Stay tuned, because the new doggie sweater will probably be finished today and I'll be posting all about it of course...
Also, because of the holiday weekend, you won't see "Friday Favorites" or "Saturday Specials" until next week....But hey, I guess the whole weekend is a Saturday Special.
Save the Scarves!!! They get really lonely without a neck to love.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Just a Great Big Sale!!!
Thanksgiving was fun...The clowns behaved themselves...and I ate waaaay toooo much! It's probably a blessing that I hate Pumkin Pie, or I'd have to roll myself to work since I wouldn't be able to fit in my car.
Now I'm off to promote this stuff before I have to go to work. Something tells me that they'll be a lot of Thanksgiving leftovers in the dressing room and I, already, can't eat another bite.
In case you haven't clicked here before, now would definitely be your chance to do so
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Christmas Scarf and Turkey for Dessert!
Yes! I completed the Christmas Scarf, and thus completed my goal. Now I'm ready for a nice hot soak in the tub.
Later on, I'm heading out with the boyfriend to have Thanksgiving with a bunch of clowns...no really...I'm not being insulting, that's what they do for a living...former Ringling Bros. Clowns to be exact. Afterward, we're off to meet my Vegas Parents (as opposed to the ones who gave birth to me and live out of state) because they always do a late Thanksgiving dinner. There will probably be less clowns there but definitely more magicians...and if you're a fan of the Showtime Show BullS@#$%t by Penn and Teller, you can catch my Vegas Dad doing the most amazing comb-over you have ever seen.
Now the bath is calling me, but tune in tomorrow for the Black Friday thru Cyber Monday sale.
What do you want for Christmas?
new listing,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I overslept and didn't have time to post anything this morning...I wasn't late for the show or anything, but this was probably due to the fact that I didn't take the time to blog.
I couldn't help it though. I was such a beautiful, cloudy, rainy day and all I wanted to do was curl up under the covers...We don't get too many days like that here in Las Vegas.
I was performing at the Venetian today, and due to the faux cloud ceiling, I couldn't enjoy the rainy gloom that I love so much.
A couple more inches on the Christmas Scarf and then it will be done! My goal (notice it's not a promise, only a goal) is to have it listed tomorrow. And I was also informed that I don't have to do any cooking for Thanksgiving, aka turkey day (tofurkey day for those vegetarians out there), all I have to do is show up so hopefully I'll get a good hunk done on the new doggie sweater too (sorry, this one isn't going to be a santa one, but hopefully it will be equally as cute).
Here's where you should go while you're waiting for that pesky turkey to cook
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Start of a Wonderful Day
When I woke up this morning, I was tired and cranky...but this is normal before I insert the Coffee IV into my veins. As per usual, I went and checked my email next, and lo and behold....I had another sale! The Santa Doggie Sweater is now sold! Yay for me!
As soon as I finish my Christmas Scarf (which should be today since I'm performing at the Venetian and will be working furiously in between shows), I have an idea for a doggie party sweater. I can see it in my mind, but I don't know if it will look the same when I get it into the yarn...fingers crossed.
In other news, I have 6 shows today at the Venetian...unfortunately, I'll be playing a different role in them than my usual one because the guy who usually does it, is out of town. *Sigh*, no magic for me today...instead I'll be a giant marionette (I'm not big, but it's all relative) with a stilt walker controlling my strings. We will do this little bit five times today...
But what can you do? My mortgage company would be very upset if I refused...They have this thing about being paid on time...go figure.
Want to know how to make my day even brighter??? Click here to find out!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Something Amazing
This is a video of a guy who creates art in the eye of a needle! I know knitting takes patience, but this...wow...this takes patience to a whole new level!
Art for those who own a microscope!
Thanks Velvet for sending this to the etsyknitters team!
In other news, I'm working on a Christmas scarf right now. What makes it really special is that my boyfriend picked out the yarn for me. He came home one day and said that he found a batch of yarn in a thrift store and figured that I could make something with it for my shop. Isn't he the greatest!!! I was overcome by the sweetness.
Just in case you guys think that it's a little wimpy...he also fixed my car yesterday...so he's still got that macho side.
Tearing your hair out over Christmas yet? Click here and problem solved
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Something Old, Something New
Yes! The new beret is finished (since the last one sold) and I listed it yesterday. I really love making this pattern and at some point would like to make a few more. I do want to make one in black, but I'm really worried about how it will photograph...It's hard when you know that it would probably be the prefered color and yet you know it wouldn't sell because it would have to be seen in person. Or maybe I'm just talking myself out of it...
Click here if your head is cold...or perhaps if you don't want it to be
In other news, I hosted the show "Wayward Ways" last night. We were running a little short, so luckily I had brought extra stuff to do and was able to keep the show running smoothly with no one in the audience being the wiser. There will be another show on the 13th, but since I was in the last 2 I probably won't be in that one...they like to change it up since we get a lot of regulars in the audience.
Insert clever remark here that will make you want to visit my shop
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday Special
This weeks Saturday special is all about the Zipper Coin Purse. I usually sell them for $12 but today only you can buy them for $6...And if you are in the US or Canada, shipping is free...everywhere else it's $3.
There are only 4, so hurry up and get them before somebody else does
In other news, I'm hosting a variety show tonight called "Wayward Ways"...there should be some fun acts in the show. I don't know how much magic I'm going to be doing since I'm hosting, I only need to fill time for acts that have a big set up or clean up. Otherwise it's just me on-stage with a microphone...some of my exes would be frightened at the thought.
My friend Penny is going to be doing comedy, and I think that she's hillarious. Her "real" job is as Psychic Tonya in the Amazing Johnathan Show, so it's nice to see her play herself once in a while.
If you can't go to the show...you can always wander around here...I won't mind *wink*
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday's Favorites
Before we get to the favorites, I have two bits of news...
First off, every Thursday, my friends and I get together for a home poker tournament. Yes I know I live in Las Vegas, and can go to a casino at anytime, but most of the time I find it a lot nicer to kick back with friends, deal out the cards and let the taunting begin. Well, last night I came in second. Woot! Woot! I do feel bad taking money from other starving artists...well...only a little...besides, they've done the same to me on one or two occasions.
Second off, I got another sale! Yay! My "Shades of Salmon Entrelac Scarf" sold last night...I think I kind of freaked out my dog by doing a happy dance...in fairness to her though, it probably looked like an epilectic fit.
Now on to the favorites! This week I went through my etsyknitters team and at first looked for Thanksgiving items (it's almost time for turkey you know) and since there weren't too many, expanded my search to fall!
Embrace the fall because the winter will soon be upon us!
Now that you've whetted your appetite with these appetizers, click here for the main course!
First off, every Thursday, my friends and I get together for a home poker tournament. Yes I know I live in Las Vegas, and can go to a casino at anytime, but most of the time I find it a lot nicer to kick back with friends, deal out the cards and let the taunting begin. Well, last night I came in second. Woot! Woot! I do feel bad taking money from other starving artists...well...only a little...besides, they've done the same to me on one or two occasions.
Second off, I got another sale! Yay! My "Shades of Salmon Entrelac Scarf" sold last night...I think I kind of freaked out my dog by doing a happy dance...in fairness to her though, it probably looked like an epilectic fit.
Now on to the favorites! This week I went through my etsyknitters team and at first looked for Thanksgiving items (it's almost time for turkey you know) and since there weren't too many, expanded my search to fall!
Embrace the fall because the winter will soon be upon us!
Now that you've whetted your appetite with these appetizers, click here for the main course!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chores? What Chores?
Well, today I was supposed to be working at the Comedy Festival at Caesar's palace, but now I'm not. I was kind of bugged about losing the money, but I didn't really want to do it in the first place...It's not as glamorous as it sounds...I did it last year. But now what to do with the time?
Chores? Probably, but I don't have high hopes that anything will get done.
I do need to send promo dvd's off today as well as some balls of yarn that I'm donating to one of my etsyknitters team members for her senior center. Apparently their knitting classes lost their funding, so a lot of people are sending her some supplies that they can spare.
Due to the running out of yarn fiasco, I should probably go and buy some more while they still have it, but I started on a new berret, and now I want to finish that...and there are a million other projects I want to get started on, all the time, the house work is staring me in the face...taunting me...daring me to get started.
What I'd rather be doing instead of chores
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Back to work...
I'm almost out of the sock yarn I'm making for the fingerless gloves, and I probably won't have time to get any today, so I'll probably start on a new project. Depending on what's in my stash, I might start a new beret since the other one sold...but if I don't find a yarn that moves me, then I'm making a fancy doggie sweater with black fuzzy trim.
I'm performing again at the Venetian today, so all of this will be done in between shows...it makes the day fly by....I can't get too used to it, though, pretty soon we'll be adding shows and then I'll have to do all my knit work at home.
I have some time off coming up, since my show at Krave will be taking a short break and I'm hoping to be super productive during that time (hoping being the opperative word)...not only with knitting but I really need to do some spring...er...winter cleaning.
This is where you should be browsing when you have other, more pressing, chores to do...it's lots more fun!
And lastly...Friday favorites are fast coming upon us. If you see something that you think should be featured, please post the link in the comments page...I'd love to see it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
At Sea...
Yesterday, not much work got done. My dog, Bess, and I went sailing with my boyfriend on his boat. (you may remember her as the model for the Santa Doggie Sweater) It was her first time out on a boat, and she was so well behaved and loved it so much...I of course have to post some gratuitously cute photos of the event.
She was nervous at first but got her sea paws rather quickly.
There wasn't any wind, so we were motoring rather than sailing, but we "sailed" all the way to Hoover Dam (sorry, no pics of that because Bess was cuter than the dam to photograph) and then found a little cove and bbq'd hot dogs and relaxed for a while.
On the way home, sunset was so beautiful. The reflection of the sky in the water turned everything purple...It was so surreal that I was half expecting My Little Ponies to start frolicking accross the water.
Now it's back to work...I'm performing at the Venetian today and in between shows will be furiously working on the second fingerless glove. I'm hoping to have a new project soon!
Don't forget, Christmas is creeping up on us and Bess needs to finance her sailing expeditions!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Well, right off the bat, I'm going to tell you that yes, I did finally finish that fingerless glove, and now I'm working on the second. I know it's not a great picture of it, but it's more to give you an idea of what it looks like...when both are done, much better ones will be taken. And I must say the second should be much easier, since now I have more of a feel for the pattern.
Next, I was pointed in the direction of this blog (for the life of me I can't remember who led me there), but it's about knit grafitti!
check it out, it's worth a chuckle!
And now in the real world, I'm starting to become convinced that the mop companies are out to get me. No sooner do I buy a mop than the mop heads become obsolete. When shopping for them, I always look at mop head availability as one of my deciding factors...but god forbid I try to buy a replacement head....it's a conspiracy I tell you...I think it's the same government agency that steals one sock out of my dryer...ooooh! They are crafty! (and not in an etsy kind of way).
Click here to find out what I've been doing when not shopping for mops!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday is Special!
Isn't Saturday special? (and not short bus special either)
This Saturday's special is 20% off anything in the store!
If it has "Halloween" in the title, it's 40% off!
Just convo me before and I'll adjust the price, or convo me after and I'll refund the discound via paypal!
What do you get when you cross a magician with too much yarn?
Let's see...what else is going on today...
Well aside from the show, I'm off to the library today (I'll admit, I owe some overdue fees) but I also have to get the next book for the bookclub that I'm in. We're reading "The Road"...the author's name escapes me right now...I mean, I have it written down, but it's all the way accross the room and it's 8:15am so I'll have to let you know later.
I also see a finished fingerless glove in my future! Miss Cleo I am not, but I think I can make this one happen!
And as for the picture...I just love visual puns.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday's Favorites!
I have a couple of things for Friday's Favorites this week...first up! A very funny link that a member of my etsyknitters team posted...this is great not only for the computer geeks out there, but also for anyone who's ever been frustrated with there computer.
Just click on play and leave the mouse alone...then prepare to laugh!
Then, in honor of my Santa Doggie Sweater, I decided to make these favorites all about pets and the clothes they wear...enjoy!
And finally, in other news, I made a sale yesterday...Yay me!
click here to be sale number 3! Come on...you know you want to!
Just click on play and leave the mouse alone...then prepare to laugh!
Then, in honor of my Santa Doggie Sweater, I decided to make these favorites all about pets and the clothes they wear...enjoy!
And finally, in other news, I made a sale yesterday...Yay me!
click here to be sale number 3! Come on...you know you want to!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Send in the Clowns!
Last night I had a gig with my boyfriend who is a clown...no really, I'm not just calling him names, he's a former Ringling Bros clown. Anyway, I got booked to do table magic and he got booked as a mime. It was our first gig together since New Year's Eve...The previous one was more fun because I was booked as a mime too, and so we could have fun together...It's a lot harder to play when someone is dressed up goofy and the other looks relatively normal.
I've almost finished the cuff on the fingerless gloves...the patern is looking very cool. I'm going to post some pictures when I have one finished, the first is always easier than the second, you really have to rebuild the motivation to get it finished. That's one thing that's really great about having an etsy shop...You think to yourself, "I need to finish this so I can add another listing...I need to list!...I must list!" It does help with the motivational factor.
Of course I could go out on the boat...then I'd be listing the entire time! (Ba dum dum...crash)
Feeling down today? Click here and feed your shopping addiction!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Well, I must admit, I was a bit lazy yesterday and didn't post for the first time since I started this blog...which for my blogging track record ain't bad.
I started work on a new pair of fingerless gloves...same yarn as the other pair I made, but totally different pattern, and longer too! I TiVo Jepardy and Cash Cab all the time and watch them when I'm working on new projects and can listen to the TV but can't actually watch it...my boyfriend gets mad when I shout out the answers before the questions are finished though.
I also finished the book I was reading "The Devil's Teardrop"...it was kind of a pulp thriller, but lots of fun. Now I'm reading a magic book...always got to keep up to date on the job that pays the bills.
Now I'm off to wake up the boyfriend! And later on, we have a gig together! That hasn't happened since New Year's Eve, so it should be lots of fun.
Don't forget to look at the countdown clock, panic, and click here to buy stuff!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Prepare for the Cuteness!
Yes! The Santa Doggie Sweater is finally finished and listed! My little girl, Bess, looks so cute in it...but I'm biased...I don't have human children, so it's all about the dog...at least I don't carry her around in a purse...well...not too often.
Anyway, if your the parent of a fur-kid, or if you know someone who's the parent of a fur-kid, this is the item for you!
Buy in now here...you know you want to!
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